Nathan and Erin – Married November 9th, 2019 – Met on Catholic Chemistry

Ever felt like you have met EVERY SINGLE CATHOLIC in your diocese and yet you’re still dateless? Here is a success story that might inspire you to give our Catholic online dating site a try.
While listening to Nathan and Erin tell the story of how they met it immediately brought me back to the struggles of being a Catholic single: praying to surrender your singleness to the Lord; getting involved in your parish and local ministries so you can practice being a self-gift like Saint John Paul II tells us to; going to ALL the Catholic events; participating in all of these areas because you know that you gotta put yourself out there if you want to meet that Catholic who really practices their faith. This season can be emotionally and physically exhausting.
Nathan and Erin had spent time prayerfully discerning their vocation. Both of them had been active in their Catholic young adult communities, parishes, and ministries. Yet they still came to a point where they hadn’t met the one God was calling them to marry, so they decided to give online dating a try, casting their nets wider than their local diocese.
Nathan had been active in the San Diego Catholic young adult community by attending events, becoming a third order Dominican and participating in many ministries. Across the country in Wisconsin, Erin was leading the Catholic young adult group in her diocese and was actively involved in her parish teaching catechism. Yet both felt they had met all the single Catholics in their area. Feeling confident that they were called to the vocation of marriage, they realized they needed to cast their nets wider and try online dating.
They met on in the fall of 2018, just a few months after its launch. Nathan was a beta tester for the site, helping out his friend and Catholic Answers coworker Chuck Gallucci (owner and developer of
Erin, after encouragement from her friends, decided to give the new Catholic dating site on the scene a chance. Soon after meeting on Catholic Chemistry they knew there was something special. “We naturally clicked and found it easy to talk to each other for hours,” said Nathan. Most of their conversations were over FaceTime, giving them that Face to Face experience.
One of their most fond dates was Valentines Day 2019, they couldn’t be together, so they both went to adoration at the same time in the cities where they lived knowing time and space cease to exist while in the presence of the Eucharist.
After several conversations over the phone, they met in person. Erin had the suggestion that they should go to daily mass and pray a daily meditation together during their visit, which was a personal commitment she had practiced for a long time (yeah, we know, a keeper!). When Nathan heard this from Erin’s lips he knew this was not just any Catholic girl, this was the “good Catholic girl” he had been praying for. Score!
During the next few months they spent time getting to know each others’ family and friends. Everyone naturally mixed so well that it was more than obvious God was calling them to the vocation of marriage.
Nathan proposed to Erin in front of the Blessed Sacrament and they were married on November 9th, 2019. With our Lord at the center of your life you can never go wrong in your discernment and relationships. Pray about and see if God is asking you to cast your net wider than your local diocese.