
All men who, through the Sacrament of Holy Orders, have become priests participate in Christ’s priesthood and act in persona Christi.
In the video below, Catholic apologist and speaker Karlo Broussard briefly explains faith question #4: Priesthood, one of the faith related questions you’ll find on dating profiles.
After changing bread and wine into his body and blood at Last Supper Jesus commanded the apostles, “do this in remembrance of me.” The Greek word for “do” in the text has the connotation of offer, in the sense of offering a sacrifice, which is something that belongs essentially to the role of a priest. Therefore, in commanding the apostles to offer the Eucharist as a sacrifice, Christ made the apostles priests. These apostles would later transmit to other men this same priestly function through the laying on of hands, communicating to them what the Catholic Church calls the Sacrament of Holy Orders.
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