Premarital Sex

Sexual love is reserved to marriage where it strengthens the union of spouses and is open to the gift of new life.
In the video below, Catholic apologist and speaker Karlo Broussard briefly explains faith question #5: Premarital Sex, one of the faith related questions you’ll find on dating profiles.
God has created our sexual powers with a natural directedness to two goals: procreation and unitive love. As such, any form of sexual activity that voluntarily uses the sexual powers while actively thwarting either of the two purposes is an offense against our human nature. And if that’s the case, then such acts cannot possibly be an act of sexual love. True sexual love can only exists when sexual acts are consistent with the two purposes of sex, which means true sexual love can only exists when sexual acts are within the context of the life-long bond of marriage and are consistent with procreation.
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